Light-Up Africa
Development Initiative
We are ardent to
Light-Up Africa
We Light up Africa through an inclusive and integrated approach to its development, where people (particularly, women, children and youths) living in the deprived society are empowered out of poverty, hunger and illiteracy towards rural illumination. Taking into consideration gender, acculturation, education, extremism, media and information literacy and conflict resolution.
About Us
Inclusive and integrated development approach.
Light-Up Africa Development Initiative (LADI) is a non-profit that delivers needed access and development to underserved communities through media, communication, innovation and technology. LADI emerges out of the quest to further promote the aims and purpose of the United Nations and its system among vulnerable, underserved and neglected communities for peaceful society.
LADI started operations in 2011 but official registered in 2016 to promote dialogue, culture of coexistence, mutual understanding and to establish a common platform aiming gender inclusion, Youth empowerment, Media Literacy and peaceful coexistence.
Our Strategies
We perform our operations through the following interventions
Capacity building/trainings and conferences
Stakeholder's engagement and dialogue
Community involvement and participation include monitoring of outcomes
community mobilisation and dialogue
Research and publications
Right-based approach to intervention
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We are a non-profit focused on delivering needed access and development to undeserved communities through innovation and technology